The app store has been hacked! According to multiple sources, the App Store has been hacked by an individual of the name "Thuat Nguyen". Although it was an unknown team that has done so, many apps found in the "ebook" section of the app store are from this one unknown developer. What is occurring is many of the actual, real books in the app store are being pushed to the bottom, therefore, harming developers and lowering sales. Not only have these people messed around with the App Store itself, but they have also hacked many innocent people's iTunes Store Accounts. If you happen to see suspicious activity on your credit card, or your iTunes Account Store Credit drop, let apple know, and get it straightened out with your bank or credit card company. You don't want something small to end up becoming huge. Check out the video attached for full details. If you find the video in any way helpful, please subscribe to our youtube channel: The more subscribers we have, the more people see this video, and the closer we are to stopping this hacking for good. Thanks.