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Android almost as popular as the iPhone

ChangeWave, a surveyor of consumer smartphones, has released a results to its most recent consumer preference for smartphones survey.  As seen in the image above, the Google's Android has almost reached the same level of popularity as the iPhone, made by Apple.  This returns the race to its neck and neck status, as it was in the March 2010 survey, seen below.

It now appears that both Apple and Google are the two main competitors for the best smartphone, and any other company will find it difficult to sell their smartphone.  Both the iPhone and the Android's popularity have grown in both survey's while the other smartphone's have taken a nose dive down.  The Palm has fallen off the map, Window's Mobile fell from 5% in the March 2010 survey to 1% in the current survey and BlackBerry fell from 12% to 6%.  

The graph below shows the popularity increase in the Android over the last couple of months.  

Google  Android - Mobile Operation System Preferences

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