Just a quick little post for today. If you guys are familiar with Android Devices, I'm sure you know that there is a keyboard feature called "Swype" that allows you to type words and sentences without even lifting your finger off of the screen. Well, recently, this feature, Swype, has been ported to iOS! It works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch! Check out the video below for a demo and a how-to guide for how to get Swype for your device. You must be jailbroken to do this, so check out my channel for a guide on how to jailbreak your device at http://www.youtube.com/danglekingpc if you need to. This is a great, useful little tweak to have on our devices! I'm pumped! For more content like this, also be sure to follow me on twitter, http://www.twitter.com/macintoshreview, and be sure to bookmark this site!