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How To Get Flash on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch (Updated 2012)

Hey Everyone! So I'm really excited to post this video today, as well as to write this post as I am bringing back an old favorite! About two and a half years ago, I posted a video detailing how to get Flash on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. This eventually ended up being one of my biggest hits on Youtube, and many of you loved the video and were really helped out with flash player on your device as well! Well, this video is a little outdated now, and so in order to help you out again, I decided to make an updated version of how to get flash on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch for 2012! This version is much quicker, works much more smoothly, does not require a jailbreak, and will really help you get flash on your device in the easiest way possible! The video can be found below! Hopefully you guys enjoy it. The app is called Puffin, and if you have any questions, let me know, but check out the video, and enjoy! Subscribe to my youtube channel and bookmark this website for more updates! Thanks!

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  1. This will just make the apple experience a whole lot of fun. They can view videos in HD and play games with a more improved quality in graphics. One of the features I love about apple is the quality of the graphics they've got.
