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Vlog Videos: Update

Hey all. I just wanted to post a quick post here to inform all of you who like to watch my vlog videos about a change in the posting. All of my vlogs will be posted on my Twitter, Facebook Page, and Google Plus page, but they will not be posted here on The Macintosh Review, as I am trying to keep this site strictly about technology and apple-related videos. All of the tech videos that I post here will be posted on The Macintosh Review, as well as my Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus Pages, and will be hosted on my Youtube Channel. For the Vlogs, they will be on the Youtube Channel, and on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter, but not here. I will link the two on the Youtube Channels, but not here on the Social Networking Sites. Thanks for your attention! Normal posts will continue tomorrow! Just wanted to inform you all. As always, stick around and follow me for more content!

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