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Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 on Mac - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (PP Jailbreak)

Although I have made previous guides on this before, today, PP jailbreak, the tool to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 on Mac, was finally released! I know many of you have been waiting for this, as have I. Below, you will find a guide on how to jailbreak iOS 8 to iOS 8.1.2 on Mac using PP Jailbreak. This works for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch including the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPad Air 2, and iPod Touch 5, and all Apple Devices. It requires Mac OS X, although I do have Windows tutorials on my channel, so check either one out based on your needs (Youtube Channel can be found in the sidebars). Hope this works for you and enjoy! If you need to reach me, my youtube channels and social networks can be found on this site in the sidebars or on google. Feel free to reach out, subscribe, favorite, and stay tuned.

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