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My iPhone 6s Has Shipped: iPhone 6s Pre-order Review

The iPhone 6s was revealed just over a week ago and is set for public release on September 25th. As usual, I was very eager to check out this new iPhone, so I went ahead and pre-ordered the device on the first day that pre-orders were available; in fact, I was able to get my order in within the first 10 minutes that the device was available for pre-order! As of this weekend, I am very pleased to share that my iPhone 6s has officially shipped! Apple did a great job handling orders this year and it seems that the new iPhone 6s will be on everyone's doorstep on Friday the 25th, as expected, if not a little earlier! In the video below, I do a review of the iPhone 6s and my pre-order experience. Overall, it went very smoothly and I was rather pleased with it. If you pre-ordered this new iPhone 6s, which iPhone did you pre-order? I'll have my full review up on September 25th, along with an unboxing and first boot, so stick around for that. Let me know what phone you ordered in the comments or on my social networks! iPhone 6s will be here soon enough.

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