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iOS 9.3.3 and iOS 10 Beta 3 Released: Jailbreak Update!

After a long wait, Apple has released iOS 9.3.3 to the public, along with the release of iOS 10 Beta 3, watchOS 2.2.2, tvOS 9.2.2, and OS X 10.11.6. So what's new? Apple has included many bug fixes and a few new features, and we should be expecting an iOS jailbreak from Pangu or Taig soon for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. New features include some naming convention changes, many aesthetic changes, improved speed and stability, bug fixes, and more. Although there are many minor new features, this really does seem like a bug fix update, and Apple is really working hard to make this a very stable operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, which I do think is necessary. What are your thoughts on iOS 9.3.3 and iOS 10 Beta 3? Definitely send your thoughts my way - I'd love to hear them. For now, the jailbreak awaits.

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