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iOS 9.3.3 Beta 5 Release + iOS 10, 9.3.2 Jailbreak Update!

Apple released iOS 9.3.3 Beta 5 today to developers, making two releases this week of iOS 9.3.3 Beta 5 and iOS 10 Beta 2. With all of these beta releases, the jailbreak becomes more interesting.Will we be getting an iOS 10, 9.3.3, 9.3.2, or 9.3.1 jailbreak soon from Pangu? Luckily, over the past few weeks, we have gotten good news regarding the jailbreak progress during all of these beta releases. Last week, the Pangu team demonstrated that they have a working jailbreak for iOS 10 beta running on an iPhone and they also hinted at the release of an iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak soon. This week, we have news that the iOS 10 beta 1 and beta 2 firmwares both contain unencrypted kernels, so they are significantly more open to hacks and jailbreak exploits. What news will we get in the coming weeks? I am hopeful that the jailbreak is coming and iOS 9.3.3 will be made public. What are your thoughts?

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