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My Jet Black iPhone 7 Has Shipped: Order Review & Fall Giveaway Details!

Tomorrow is the first official day of sales for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, and reports from Apple are stating that they are almost sold out of every single model already - a record for preorders! Luckily, I was able to get my iPhone 7 preorder in on the first day of September 9th, so I'm all set, and I couldn't be more pumped up! I'm happy to say that today I received a notification from Apple stating that my Jet Black iPhone 7 has shipped and will arrive tomorrow, September 16th, the first day of the iPhone 7 release! In the video below, I review my order process, discuss my next few iPhone 7 videos, and detail a possible new fall iPhone 7 giveaway. Check it out and enjoy! Are you planning on buying an iPhone 7?

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