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Install Jailbreak Apps Without Jailbreaking iOS 10: Themes Edition!

Do you miss theming your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch after jailbreaking it? Ah, the glory days of jailbreaking. Theming and customization have always been a central part of jailbreaking, and with the increasing rollout of software updates from Apple, features are abundant, but the look and feel of iOS is beginning to become slightly stale or boring. We cannot jailbreak the operating system either at this moment which prevents the installation of Winterboard or Anemone and the installation of great themes and fresh looks for iOS. Luckily, there is a way to install themes on iOS 10, and the best part is that Cydia and a jailbreak are not required whatsoever! Below you will find my guide to install jailbreak apps and themes on iOS 10 without jailbreaking using iEnchantify, an alternative to Cydia, Winterboard, and Anemone, on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. This works on iOS 10 and below - even iPhone 7! My goal is for all to enjoy the themes and fresh looks that this brings into iOS 10, seemingly breathing new life into the operating system. Keep the workarounds coming developers!

iEnchantify Link:

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